About us

About Grand Nord


Grand Nord offers leadership development, trainings and coaching online as well as in Sweden and Belgium.

 The Nordic

The soul of Grand Nord derive from the Nordics, but we have gathered experience from other places in Europe. It is however the Nordic way that has inspired our values, way of working and how we teach.


At Grand Nord you will always get coaching, lectures and workshops customised to your needs. We help individuals as well as companies and organisations.


Through trainings and coaching we help you to see opportunities, find solutions, build on your strengths and get closer to your goals! For a sustainable leadership, and life.

Our history

Coaching since 2017

 Grand Nord has since 2017 been offering leadership development, trainings and coaching online as well in Sweden and Belgium (mostly Stockholm and Brussels).

The focus is nordic, personal and sustainable leadership, both professionally and personally.

By the end of 2019 we returned to Stockholm after a few years in Brussels. Even though we are now located in Stockholm we have still kept one foot and a piece of the heart in Europe.

The founder of Grand Nord is Marianne Norrgrann, PCC certified coach by ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Working at Grand Nord

A team of professionals

Marianne Norrgrann


ICF certified coach (PCC), entrepreneur and founder of Grand Nord.

Read more.


Other consultants

Marianne work together with other consultants on different projects and take help from relevant partners when the need arises.


What are you interested in?


Grand Nord offers coaching online and in Stockholm or Brussels.

Lectures & Workshops

Lectures and workshops are customised according to your wishes and arranged in Sweden and abroad. 

Friday Lab

A 90 days programme for everyone who wants to develop, dream, prioritise and start doing.


What’s happening at Grand Nord?

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Stay in touch with Grand Nord


Updates about Friday Lab

Win coaching during the International Day of the Girl Child

Send us a message:

4 + 2 =

Stockholm, Sweden
+46 70 516 13 11
